Thursday, January 25, 2007

Another Mystery for Kings

A mystery that I believe is worth seeking out truth concerning is the FINAL EXODUS and the entering of the people into the land of promise. Does anyone else have any ideas about this they are willing to share? Or any questions about what I mean by FINAL EXODUS?


Anonymous said...

Well, by final exodus I'm sure you mean the second coming, the rapture, judgement on mankind, etc... but correct me if I'm wrong.

I always have many questions on that, but I don't think I'm yet at a spiritual level to go really deep into it. There's still some basic foundations I feel I need to lay down first in order to come to full understanding of other such things. Willing to read whatever you have to say, though.

David said...

The final exodus I speak of may conclude with the second coming and the resurrection of the righteous, but I do not believe it begins with that.

I believe it will begin as Israel (a mixed multitude just like came out of Egypt, of natural descendants and those attaching to - even now through Messiah) comes back together in the land. It is prophesied that the tribes will return from the north, south, east, and west - from all over the earth that is, where they have been scattered. The Jewish return in 1948 is not a fulfillment for several reasons, though it too was necessary to lead to the full return of ALL the tribes.

First, the Jews do not comprise the fullness of the tribes. Judah was the southern kingdom comprised of the tribe of Judah, the tribe of Benjamin, and part of the tribe of Levi. The rest were in the northern kingdom that rebelled against the rule of Solomon's son. They were later invaded and overcome by the Assyrian Empire and scattered throughout the earth. Large groups migrated together into regions and their tracks can be traced even to this day. These of the northern kingdom NEVER returned to the land and reunited with their brothers, even to this day. Because it has been so long, many people just don't think they exist any longer. But, this would say that prophecy is false and will not come to pass. I believe it is true and will come to pass because the Word said so. And the Word will not return void.

Even one tribe, Ephraim (a son of Joseph), was prophesied to become A COMPANY OF NATIONS. The Jews barely are a nation themselves, much less a company of nations. Ephraim does exist to this day, and is now a company of nations. Sadly, those people do not recognize who they are as brothers in those nations, and as brothers of Judah and all of Israel. Not surprisingly, these nations are known as Christian nations, and mostly have readily received the message of "Christ." This is not surprising to me because Y'shua himself stated that he came "only for the lost sheep of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL." The House of Israel is the name of the northern kingdom whereas the southern is Judah or the House of Judah. They are called lost sheep and today they are known as the "lost tribes." They are called lost because most do not know where they went and are existing today on the earth. The Jews do not know where the lost sheep of the tribes are, and the lost sheep don't know who they are. Even those found in Messiah, that have once again been called "My People" (see Hosea), do not realize they are Israel, though the New Testament writings even tell us this.

You are wise in knowing it is more important you focus on the building of the strong foundation of faith in Messiah, before you put too much attention on side issues that are not foundational and they currently confuse you.

May it be well with you as the foundation is built and you learn and grow in Messiah!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you David on the Final Exodus. The prophecies are very detailed about the gathering of the Two Sticks and the restoration of Israel as a whole. We are beginning to see this prophecy come to pass before our very eyes.

The text below you can delete as you fit.

I hate to ask you this here but I could not find a place to contact you one on one. Are you the David I have had communication with on another forum? If so I would be honored if you would email me:

I would like to talk to you on a more personal level. If this is not the same David then I appologize but I will continue to read your blogs as they are very similar to my beliefs.

Praise Yahweh for His mercy and grace!!