Thursday, April 19, 2007

Advanced Principles

Because some of the main religious groups claiming the Scriptures as their "Bible" in the past believed in such nonsense as a flat earth, the Scriptures have been viewed as unscientific. Of course, true science is the search for truth in knowledge in the natural realm.

In reality, the Scriptures contain clues about advanced principles we have discovered through modern science (minus the macro evolutionary theory - which is religion, not science). The problems, even during the times of the Roman Catholic Church believing in a flat earth and acting like anything else was heresy, were not that the Scriptures said such nonsense that modern science has proven ridiculous and false, but that the people weren't getting their knowledge from a true understanding of the Scriptures.

People believed in a flat earth, because they took an idiomatic phrase, "the four corners of the earth," to mean it was square and flat. They even believed you could fall over the edge, such as if you sailed out too far on the major oceans.

Isaiah 11:12 MKJV And He shall lift up a banner for the nations, and shall gather the outcasts of Israel and gather together the scattered ones of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

This is not a statement concerning the shape of the earth, but of the regathering of Israel and Judah. They would come to be scattered all over the earth and regathered from there. The literal meaning of the word translated as "corners" means extremity or edge. The idea here is that they will be all over the earth, including to the "ends of the earth," as it says in other places. From the middle east, the Americas and places like Australia are the "ends of the earth." We still use such phrases to this day but do not mean we think their are corners or a literal end geographically of the earth. They are phrases that speak of the whole earth and the far regions from where the scattering took place, such as in the reference quoted above.

If we look closely in the Hebrew texts, we can find clues of concepts of the natural creation that are quite advanced. We can also find historical evidence that the ancient Hebrews even sailed over the seas to the Americas and had colonies and were mining for ores over here, as far back as the time of King David. Such evidence includes ancient Hebrew writings, such as a very large paleo-Hebrew version of the "10 commandments" in New Mexico dating back to about the time of King David and King Solomon, to mines, one of which I know of in Michigan that can be visited and toured, or could at one time (I haven't checked recently), that has inscriptions in paleo-Hebrew to mark it as territory of Solomon, who was mining resources out of it. There are many more evidences that have been found in North, Central, and South America. For some reason this information is not taught in schools as ancient historical evidence, because it messes up the evolutionary concept they teach, which requires ancient men to be ignorant, less intelligent, nearly cave man, people. Proof that ancient men were quite advanced and even had discovered the whole earth, does not fit into their evolution theory. Neither do the many giant skeletons recovered, which proves the account of giants in the Scriptures proof. One museum in the United States used to display such evidence many years ago, and thankfully some photos taken by people have survived, because the museum took down the display and now even acts like it never existed.

We can see from evidence in the Scriptures, that ancient men such as Isaiah knew the earth was round/spherical , whether by observation along with reasonable intelligence (such as viewing the curvature of the sky at the horizons and thinking, "the earth and sky must go around"), or by revelation. Many Christian scientists have realized these things, such as the Scriptures telling us the earth is round, not flat. However, there are more advanced things that are hinted at in the Scriptures.

For example, in the account of Genesis 1, not only is their the surface and literal meaning we are more familiar with, but their is a layer in the Hebrew writing that tells a deeper account. In the root meaning of the word for earth/ground (erets in Hebrew), we have the concept of SOLIDS, that which is firm. In the root meaning for the word for waters/seas (mayim in Hebrew), we have the concept of LIQUIDS, that which is free flowing and needs to be given boundaries to have shape (such as water in a glass or waters in the oceans with coastal boundaries). In the root meaning for the heavens (shamayim in Hebrew), we have that which is lofty and even less dense than the free flowing waters, that is, GASES. Solids, liquids, and gases, are the three primary forms we find the buildings blocks in, of the natural creation as we know it. Before matter would have been separated into these form, they would have all been massed together in a seemingly formless state, with no evident and orderly separation.

There are probably mysteries contained in the Hebrew words of the Scriptures about the natural creation that we still have not discovered, as the Word created it all and knows the compositions and secrets of everything, down to the smallest particles and up among the most distant regions of the cosmos.

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